(I've also tried using x264 with the -aud flag, also ran fine but didn't produce the desired output). I basically want to take a h264 movie in an mp4 container and dump it as an h264 stream with AUDs added to it. I assume there is something I'm misunderstanding about performing this operation. I've also tried different variants with this including: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -aud 1 output.h264 Using this format, the following command works, but doesn't produce the desired AUDs in the output file: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -codec:v libx264 -aud 1 output.h264 In the online documentation it gives the example ffmpeg -i input.flac -id3v2_version 3 out.mp3 ts format exec ('ffmpeg -i abc.mp4 -c copy -framerate 30 -bsf:v h264mp4toannexb -f mpegts -crf 32 pqr.ts') So can anyone please check and let us know is there any solution. Looking at the documentation for FFMPEG (version 3.2.2) under libx264 there is a bool flag -aud. We are using the below command to convert from.

I have successfully compiled FFMPEG from source with access to libx264.

I am trying to convert an mp4 clip to h264 bytestream format using FFMPEG.